Edge’s unique “single customer view” design is integral to the success of CDER’s fairness-led approach to collections and enforcement.
The system is helping CDER Group achieve exceptional results for its clients. It has also been recognised by the Chartered Institute for IT and was a three-time finalist at the 2017 Credit Awards for Best Credit & Collections Technology, as well as in the Data & Analytics Expertise and Gamechanger categories.
How it works
Higher collections with lighter impact using intelligence-led decisions and actions.

Key benefits

Real-time data links with leading data providers means effective recovery begins immediately and tracing information is checked at every stage, not as a last resort.

Created with University College London, Edge’s integrated propensity models analyse over 40 behavioural and demographic criteria to provide the most intelligent and accurate assessments of the factors influencing debt collectability.

Intelligent features and procedures such as automatic case allocation and routing for agents, GPS verification, instant messaging and an emergency alert system, as well as automatic rotation between local agents working in the area.

In partnership with the Behavioural Insights Team we are extending their pioneering analysis of the impact of wording, highlighting, format, simplification and timing of communications. This includes using ‘nudge’ techniques to influence customer behaviour.
Business Intelligence
CDER Group has developed market-leading reporting tools which allow proactive management of performance across the business. Our Service Quality Dashboard provides real time performance assessment against over 50 collection KPIs, as well as monitoring quality targets for all staff and agents.