CIVEA Update regarding the “Certificated Bailiffs Register”:

CIVEA is aware that the ‘Certificated Bailiff Register’ administered by HMCTS may not contain up to date entries for all certificated enforcement agents.
If you have searched the Register but are unable to find the enforcement agent’s name, you can ask the enforcement agent to provide a copy of their certificate or contact the Civil National Business Centre, at CNBC, St. Katharine’s House, 21-27 St. Katharine’s Street, Northampton, NN1 2LH, or by calling 0300 123 1056. Staff at the CNBC will be able to advise you which county court issued the enforcement agent’s certificate and when.
Further guidance regarding different types of enforcement agents can be found here:
If you are concerned about fraud, please contact the enforcement agency that employs the named agent to verify their details.
Please stay vigilant against fraudsters posing as enforcement agents, for more information please visit;